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Icon Who is online ????

Posted: Sun 28. Aug 2011, 20:12
by EA7351
Hello, you need to know how I should set my phpbb3 forum to display the icon / Who is online / down in the footer, next to the user online.


It is configured from the ACP on the forum or the board3 Portal Mod?

Thank you very much ...

Re: Icon Who is online ????

Posted: Sun 28. Aug 2011, 20:45
by Marc
It has been added in index_body.html, at least in most proFormell versions:

Code: Select all

	<table class="tablebg">
		<td class="cat" colspan="2"><!-- IF U_VIEWONLINE --><h3><a href="{U_VIEWONLINE}">{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</a></h3><!-- ELSE --><h3>{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</h3><!-- ENDIF --></td>
	<!-- IF LEGEND -->
		<td class="row1" rowspan="2" align="center" valign="middle"><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/whosonline.png" alt="{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}" style="width: 64px; height: 64px;" /></td>
	<!-- ELSE -->
		<td class="row1" align="center" valign="middle"><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/whosonline.png" alt="{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}" /></td>
	<!-- ENDIF -->
		<td class="row1"><span class="genmed">{TOTAL_USERS_ONLINE} ({L_ONLINE_EXPLAIN})<br />{RECORD_USERS}<br /> <br />{LOGGED_IN_USER_LIST}</span></td>
	<!-- IF LEGEND -->
			<td class="row1"><b class="gensmall">{L_LEGEND}: {LEGEND}</b></td>
	<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

Re: Icon Who is online ????

Posted: Sun 28. Aug 2011, 21:08
by EA7351
My index_body.html not have these lines you show me .......

As I can fix it?

Because you think I have them?

I sent the code of my entire file


Code: Select all

<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->

<p class="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --> rightside<!-- ENDIF -->"><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->{LAST_VISIT_DATE}<!-- ELSE -->{CURRENT_TIME}<!-- ENDIF --></p>
<!-- IF U_MCP --><p>{CURRENT_TIME} <br />[&nbsp;<a href="{U_MCP}">{L_MCP}</a>&nbsp;]</p><!-- ELSEIF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><p>{CURRENT_TIME}</p><!-- ENDIF -->

<ul class="linklist">
		<li><a href="{U_SEARCH_UNANSWERED}">{L_SEARCH_UNANSWERED}</a><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --> &bull; <a href="{U_SEARCH_UNREAD}">{L_SEARCH_UNREAD}</a> &bull; <a href="{U_SEARCH_NEW}">{L_SEARCH_NEW}</a><!-- ENDIF --> &bull; <a href="{U_SEARCH_ACTIVE_TOPICS}">{L_SEARCH_ACTIVE_TOPICS}</a></li>
	<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and U_MARK_FORUMS --><li class="rightside"><a href="{U_MARK_FORUMS}" accesskey="m">{L_MARK_FORUMS_READ}</a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDE forumlist_body.html -->

<!-- IF not S_USER_LOGGED_IN and not S_IS_BOT -->
	<form method="post" action="{S_LOGIN_ACTION}" class="headerspace">
	<h3><a href="{U_LOGIN_LOGOUT}">{L_LOGIN_LOGOUT}</a><!-- IF S_REGISTER_ENABLED -->&nbsp; &bull; &nbsp;<a href="{U_REGISTER}">{L_REGISTER}</a><!-- ENDIF --></h3>
		<fieldset class="quick-login">
			<label for="username">{L_USERNAME}:</label>&nbsp;<input type="text" name="username" id="username" size="10" class="inputbox" title="{L_USERNAME}" />
			<label for="password">{L_PASSWORD}:</label>&nbsp;<input type="password" name="password" id="password" size="10" class="inputbox" title="{L_PASSWORD}" />
				| <label for="autologin">{L_LOG_ME_IN} <input type="checkbox" name="autologin" id="autologin" /></label>
			<!-- ENDIF -->
			<input type="submit" name="login" value="{L_LOGIN}" class="button2" />
<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF U_VIEWONLINE --><h3><a href="{U_VIEWONLINE}">{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</a></h3><!-- ELSE --><h3>{L_WHO_IS_ONLINE}</h3><!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT --><br /><br />
	{USERS_24HOUR_TOTAL}: <!-- BEGIN lastvisit -->{lastvisit.USERNAME_FULL}<!-- IF not lastvisit.S_LAST_ROW -->, <!-- ENDIF --><!-- END lastvisit -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF LEGEND --><br /><em>{L_LEGEND}: {LEGEND}</em><!-- ENDIF --></p>
<!-- ENDIF -->

	<p><!-- IF BIRTHDAY_LIST -->{L_CONGRATULATIONS}: <strong>{BIRTHDAY_LIST}</strong><!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_BIRTHDAYS}<!-- ENDIF --></p>
<!-- ENDIF -->

	<p>{TOTAL_POSTS} &bull; {TOTAL_TOPICS} &bull; {TOTAL_USERS} &bull; {NEWEST_USER}</p>
	<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
	<h3 id="24hour_stats">{L_24HOUR_STATS}</h3>
	<p>{24HOUR_POSTS} &bull; {24HOUR_TOPICS} &bull; {24HOUR_USERS}</p>
	<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDE overall_footer.html -->

Re: Icon Who is online ????

Posted: Mon 29. Aug 2011, 22:42
by EA7351
Marc you help?

Why my file is so different from yours? It is because it is a older style version proformell?

Could you tell me where I can download the new version of proformell style? As I can know which version do I have style proformell?


Re: Icon Who is online ????

Posted: Tue 30. Aug 2011, 18:54
by Marc
Yes, this is because your version of proFormell is outdated. You can find the version in style.cfg inside the proFormell folder.
Here you can download the newest version of proFormell:

Re: Icon Who is online ????

Posted: Fri 2. Sep 2011, 22:58
by EA7351
Marc wrote:Yes, this is because your version of proFormell is outdated. You can find the version in style.cfg inside the proFormell folder.
Here you can download the newest version of proFormell:
Marc, it is mandatory to update the style completely? Amended from the index.body.html I can with the code I've written above?

It is possible to make a single modification of this piece of code? Would come to work?

I hesitate to update the style for all the changes I have in my forum ...

It would be nice to make a mod index_body.html to appear on both computers ...

You can help make this modification has on my index_body.html?


Re: Icon Who is online ????

Posted: Sun 11. Sep 2011, 11:49
by Marc
No, but I would really recommend it. You can also just compare the files, i.e. with WinMerge, and add the code I posted before.

Re: Icon Who is online ????

Posted: Mon 12. Sep 2011, 09:21
by EA7351