Since the author has no time to update this to RC7 I did it myself.
Demo: see first post
Download: see first post
Known Bugs:
- the imageset doesn't show partially(right now I'm trying to get rid of this)
If somebody knows what the problem might be, please tell me.
If anyone discovers another bug, please post it here.
Here is something about this bug:
Reason for this bug:Somehow the board is not able to read all of the imagset.cfg, so it just leaves it out. Replacing the imageset with the original imageset.cfg of Prosilver didn't change anything (the file names are the same).
What can I do about it?
You can refresh the SemiGreen imageset, after that all files should show up.
You can add the images by your own. Just copy the style to your phpBB3-style folder. Then go to your ACP->Styles and install SemiGreen. After you installed SemiGreen, click on Imageset on the left and choose to edit SemiGreen. Now you just have to add the following images:
'Name in ACP'=file*widht*height
Main logo = site_logo.gif*52*139
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[EN][Release] SemiGreen RC7
- Administrator
- Beiträge: 620
- Registriert: Di 2. Sep 2008, 23:48
- Marc
- Wohnort: Munich
- Administrator
- Beiträge: 620
- Registriert: Di 2. Sep 2008, 23:48
- Marc
- Wohnort: Munich
Re: [EN][Release] SemiGreen RC7
SemiGreen for phpBB 3.0.0 is now available. Just follow the download link above.