Forum loading as atxt/list rather than proFormell

Current Version: 1.0.2
Released: 04/25/2010
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Beiträge: 5
Registriert: Mo 16. Jan 2012, 05:02 AussieD

Forum loading as atxt/list rather than proFormell

Beitrag von AussieD »

First off, long time reader, first time poster.
A forum I setup early last year was hacked on Dec 24th, after much messing around I started back up with a fresh install of phpbb3 then returned a backup.
Since then the forum is showing a TXT style instead of the Profomell style (see pics below)
Once you refresh the page everything goes back to normal.
I have tried reinstalling the style again but this didnt help.
Running phpbb 3.0.9
No mods
ProFormell style
Any ideas what could be going on?
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Registriert: Di 2. Sep 2008, 23:48 Marc
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Re: Forum loading as atxt/list rather than proFormell

Beitrag von Marc »

Try if re-installing the style in the ACP helps. In order to achieve a complete refreshed installation, make sure that you also delete the template, theme and imageset after you uninstall proFormell in the ACP. Afterwards just install it again.
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Beiträge: 5
Registriert: Mo 16. Jan 2012, 05:02 AussieD

Re: Forum loading as atxt/list rather than proFormell

Beitrag von AussieD »

Thanks for the reply but as I said, the first thing I tried was to reload the style and no joy.
It turns out the config.php file had some rubbish in it from the Dec 24th attack, once I cleaned that out all seems fine for now.